Ethics of Machinery

Elise Hua

The title of this album comes from Baruch Spinoza’s work “Ethics”, combined with one of my favorite mechanical engineering subjects “kinematics of machinery”. As a pioneer of Rationalism, Spinoza dedicated to deriving the general principles of how everything works. Now, in the era of the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), I consider the

The title of this album comes from Baruch Spinoza’s work “Ethics”, combined with one of my favorite mechanical engineering subjects “kinematics of machinery”. As a pioneer of Rationalism, Spinoza dedicated to deriving the general principles of how everything works. Now, in the era of the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI), I consider the machines are experiencing their own “Enlightenment”. Nowadays, AI attempts to replace our intellectual works, as if the machines replaced human labor during the Industrial Revolution. Do AIs have their own “Ethics”?

Elise Hua: Composer, lyricist, sound synthesis, effects, keyboard, electric guitar, electronic wind instrument, vocals and producer. All tracks written by Elise Hua (Yi-Hsin Hua).

Released on September 26, 2023.


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